Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

AR 11258 — STIS/CCD Side-2 pattern noise removal

Results for Right Ascension between 56.0° and 58.0°

The following 218 datasets have Right Ascension (RAaper) between 56.0° and 58.0° (inclusive both limits), and appear in the table below in order of their date and time of observation. Clicking on a highlighted column title sorts the table on the contents of that column. Apart from a few header keywords associated with the pattern-cleaning step, and the 32-bit floating point nature of the pattern-free frames in each [SCI] extension, these datasets match the raw datasets retrievable from the HST Archive and are acceptable as such for further processing by 'calstis'. In most browsers, one can right-click on the name of a dataset and select "Save As" to download the corresponding pattern-cleaned Multi-Extension FITS (MEF) file. Note, that these files are gzip-compressed and that their uncompressed sizes range between ~4.3 and ~115 Mb. One may need to specify the download to be in binary mode. Alternatively, one may download the MEFs that contain only the detected noise patterns and subtract these frame by frame from raw datasets retrieved from the HST Archive. In that case, be sure to enforce floating-point arithmetic for both the subtraction and the returned result. (These pattern-only MEFs would remain valid even after possible future updates to the HST Archive or pipeline).

[Å]     [Å]
PI name

1 o69b7ob5q_raw.fits.gz o69b7ob5q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T05:14:10 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.173084 +32.138005 85.94 8864  Dressel, Linda
2 o69b7ob6q_raw.fits.gz o69b7ob6q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T05:15:54 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.173084 +32.138005 85.94 8864  Dressel, Linda
3 o66i62010_raw.fits.gz o66i62010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T07:00:48 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.094519 +32.192898 -49.16 8573  Luhman, Kevin
4 o66i62020_raw.fits.gz o66i62020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T07:09:16 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.094519 +32.192898 -49.16 8573  Luhman, Kevin
5 o66i62030_raw.fits.gz o66i62030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T07:19:28 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.094634 +32.192905 -49.16 8573  Luhman, Kevin
6 o66i62040_raw.fits.gz o66i62040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T07:27:56 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.094634 +32.192905 -49.16 8573  Luhman, Kevin
7 o69b7nbiq_raw.fits.gz o69b7nbiq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-07-16T07:53:07 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.187992 +32.143678 85.94 8864  Dressel, Linda
8 o6dc9kjpq_raw.fits.gz o6dc9kjpq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T18:30:36 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG LOW-GALACTIC-LATITUDE 57.791314 +24.129170 -149.06 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
9 o6dc9kjqq_raw.fits.gz o6dc9kjqq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T18:32:20 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG LOW-GALACTIC-LATITUDE 57.791314 +24.129170 -149.06 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
10 o6dc9k050_wav.fits.gz o6dc9k050_wvh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T18:36:23 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 57.791332 +24.129160 -149.06 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
11 o6dc9k050_raw.fits.gz o6dc9k050_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T18:38:23 2319.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.5 5236–10266 SPEC LOW-GALACTIC-LATITUDE 57.791332 +24.129160 -149.43 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
12 o6dc9k020_raw.fits.gz o6dc9k020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T19:18:28 1.2 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.5 5236–10266 SPEC CCDFLAT 57.873528 +24.086687 75.92 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
13 o6dc9k030_raw.fits.gz o6dc9k030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T19:21:24 1.2 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.5 5236–10266 SPEC CCDFLAT 57.873528 +24.086687 75.92 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
14 o6dc9k040_raw.fits.gz o6dc9k040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-07T19:28:21 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 1640–10270 IMAG BIAS 57.873528 +24.086687 75.92 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
15 o682y5y2q_raw.fits.gz o682y5y2q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T02:49:14 150.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 57.171585 +12.975283 -148.78 8808  Baum, Stefi
16 o682yjy7q_raw.fits.gz o682yjy7q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T03:14:54 200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 57.171585 +12.975283 -148.78 8808  Baum, Stefi
17 o682yjy8q_raw.fits.gz o682yjy8q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T03:18:58 200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 57.171585 +12.975283 -148.78 8808  Baum, Stefi
18 o69b92yaq_raw.fits.gz o69b92yaq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T03:28:50 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.248383 +12.932450 76.20 8864  Dressel, Linda
19 o69b92ybq_raw.fits.gz o69b92ybq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T03:47:54 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.248383 +12.932450 76.20 8864  Dressel, Linda
20 o69b92ycq_raw.fits.gz o69b92ycq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T03:49:38 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.248383 +12.932450 76.20 8864  Dressel, Linda
21 o66i69010_raw.fits.gz o66i69010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T23:32:47 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.109880 +32.110158 -60.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
22 o66i69020_raw.fits.gz o66i69020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T23:41:15 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.109880 +32.110158 -60.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
23 o66i69030_raw.fits.gz o66i69030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T23:51:27 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.109992 +32.110184 -60.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
24 o66i69040_raw.fits.gz o66i69040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-10T23:59:55 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.109992 +32.110184 -60.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
25 o66i63010_raw.fits.gz o66i63010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-14T20:37:06 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.026039 +32.194092 -61.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
26 o66i63020_raw.fits.gz o66i63020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-14T20:45:34 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.026039 +32.194092 -61.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
27 o66i63030_raw.fits.gz o66i63030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-14T20:55:46 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.026151 +32.194119 -61.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
28 o66i63040_raw.fits.gz o66i63040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-08-14T21:04:14 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.026151 +32.194119 -61.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
29 o66i56010_raw.fits.gz o66i56010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-03T17:11:17 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.044613 +32.092337 -77.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
30 o66i56020_raw.fits.gz o66i56020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-03T17:19:45 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.044613 +32.092337 -77.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
31 o66i56030_raw.fits.gz o66i56030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-03T17:29:57 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.044711 +32.092389 -77.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
32 o66i56040_raw.fits.gz o66i56040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-03T17:38:25 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.044711 +32.092389 -77.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
33 o6hn0p010_raw.fits.gz o6hn0p010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:05:26 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.927633 +68.077465 58.81 8903  Dressel, Linda
34 o6hn0p020_raw.fits.gz o6hn0p020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:21:40 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.927633 +68.077465 58.81 8903  Dressel, Linda
35 o67106010_raw.fits.gz o67106010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:44:16 1.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG UGC2847 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.14 8591  Richstone, Douglas
36 o67106020_raw.fits.gz o67106020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:47:07 1.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 52X0.1 1640–10270 IMAG UGC2847 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
37 o67106030_wav.fits.gz o67106030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:51:03 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 8275–8847 SPEC WAVEHITM 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
38 o67106050_wav.fits.gz o67106050_wvh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:51:03 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 8275–8847 SPEC WAVEHITM 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
39 o67106030_raw.fits.gz o67106030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T18:52:14 720.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 8275–8847 SPEC UGC2847 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
40 o67106040_raw.fits.gz o67106040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T19:18:24 85.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 8275–8847 SPEC CCDFLAT 56.927669 +68.077462 58.81 8591  Richstone, Douglas
41 o67106050_raw.fits.gz o67106050_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T19:24:36 1250.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 8275–8847 SPEC UGC2847 56.701914 +68.095848 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
42 o67106060_raw.fits.gz o67106060_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T20:05:38 85.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 8275–8847 SPEC CCDFLAT 56.927669 +68.077462 58.81 8591  Richstone, Douglas
43 o67106070_wav.fits.gz o67106070_wvh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T20:20:29 4.1 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 6295–6867 SPEC WAVEHITM 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
44 o67106080_wav.fits.gz o67106080_wvh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T20:20:29 4.1 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 6295–6867 SPEC WAVEHITM 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
45 o67106070_raw.fits.gz o67106070_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T20:21:40 720.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 6295–6867 SPEC UGC2847 56.702083 +68.096111 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
46 o67106080_raw.fits.gz o67106080_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-22T20:47:36 720.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750M 52X0.1 6295–6867 SPEC UGC2847 56.701741 +68.095578 -166.54 8591  Richstone, Douglas
47 o66i61010_raw.fits.gz o66i61010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-28T22:25:42 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.068702 +32.147985 -85.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
48 o66i61020_raw.fits.gz o66i61020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-28T22:34:10 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.068702 +32.147985 -85.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
49 o66i61030_raw.fits.gz o66i61030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-28T22:44:22 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.068791 +32.148048 -85.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
50 o66i61040_raw.fits.gz o66i61040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-28T22:52:50 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.068791 +32.148048 -85.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
51 o6hn0x010_raw.fits.gz o6hn0x010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T16:03:35 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.131471 +32.200285 48.75 8903  Dressel, Linda
52 o6hn0x020_raw.fits.gz o6hn0x020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T16:19:49 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.131471 +32.200285 48.75 8903  Dressel, Linda
53 o66i16010_raw.fits.gz o66i16010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T18:07:43 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.029648 +32.203834 -86.34 8573  Luhman, Kevin
54 o66i16020_raw.fits.gz o66i16020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T18:16:11 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.029648 +32.203834 -86.34 8573  Luhman, Kevin
55 o66i16030_raw.fits.gz o66i16030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T19:14:40 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.029735 +32.203899 -86.34 8573  Luhman, Kevin
56 o66i16040_raw.fits.gz o66i16040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T19:23:08 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.029735 +32.203899 -86.34 8573  Luhman, Kevin
57 o6j3dqf1q_raw.fits.gz o6j3dqf1q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T19:48:42 200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 56.009900 +32.202756 -176.24 9285  Baum, Stefi
58 o6j3dqf2q_raw.fits.gz o6j3dqf2q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T19:52:46 200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 56.009900 +32.202756 -176.24 9285  Baum, Stefi
59 o69a15010_raw.fits.gz o69a15010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T20:03:29 0.3 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG NONE 56.111724 +32.199223 48.74 8846  Mobasher, Bahram
60 o69a15020_raw.fits.gz o69a15020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T20:12:09 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG BIAS 56.111724 +32.199223 48.74 8846  Mobasher, Bahram
61 o69a15030_raw.fits.gz o69a15030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-09-30T20:18:59 0.3 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG NONE 56.111724 +32.199223 48.74 8846  Mobasher, Bahram
62 o66i14010_raw.fits.gz o66i14010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T00:49:02 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.011616 +32.154048 -91.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
63 o66i14020_raw.fits.gz o66i14020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T00:57:30 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.011616 +32.154048 -91.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
64 o66i14030_raw.fits.gz o66i14030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T02:17:36 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.011696 +32.154119 -91.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
65 o66i14040_raw.fits.gz o66i14040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T02:26:04 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.011696 +32.154119 -91.14 8573  Luhman, Kevin
66 o6hm29gwq_raw.fits.gz o6hm29gwq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T02:51:15 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.104337 +32.165572 43.94 8901  Dressel, Linda
67 o6hm29gxq_raw.fits.gz o6hm29gxq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T03:10:19 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.104337 +32.165572 43.94 8901  Dressel, Linda
68 o6hm29gyq_raw.fits.gz o6hm29gyq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-10-07T03:12:03 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.104337 +32.165572 43.94 8901  Dressel, Linda
69 o64x13010_wav.fits.gz o64x13010_wvh.fits.gz 2001-10-29T13:12:49 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -70.14 8611  Nugent, Peter
70 o64x13020_wav.fits.gz o64x13020_wvh.fits.gz 2001-10-29T13:12:49 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -70.14 8611  Nugent, Peter
71 o64x13030_wav.fits.gz o64x13030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-10-29T15:19:20 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -70.14 8611  Nugent, Peter
72 o64x14010_wav.fits.gz o64x14010_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-06T12:03:21 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -61.13 8611  Nugent, Peter
73 o64x14020_wav.fits.gz o64x14020_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-06T12:03:21 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -61.13 8611  Nugent, Peter
74 o64x14030_wav.fits.gz o64x14030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-06T15:06:14 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -61.13 8611  Nugent, Peter
75 o6hm4ahdq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4ahdq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-13T07:24:09 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.056847 -44.709948 171.94 8901  Dressel, Linda
76 o6hm4aheq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4aheq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-13T07:25:53 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.056847 -44.709948 171.94 8901  Dressel, Linda
77 o64x15010_wav.fits.gz o64x15010_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-13T09:03:55 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -53.46 8611  Nugent, Peter
78 o64x15020_wav.fits.gz o64x15020_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-13T09:03:55 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -53.46 8611  Nugent, Peter
79 o64x15030_wav.fits.gz o64x15030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-13T12:16:21 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -53.46 8611  Nugent, Peter
80 o6hm4pbqq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4pbqq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T05:37:22 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.044328 -44.702641 179.59 8901  Dressel, Linda
81 o6hm4pbrq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4pbrq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T05:56:26 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.044328 -44.702641 179.59 8901  Dressel, Linda
82 o6hm4pbsq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4pbsq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T05:58:10 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.044328 -44.702641 179.59 8901  Dressel, Linda
83 o64x16010_wav.fits.gz o64x16010_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T06:20:41 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -45.81 8611  Nugent, Peter
84 o64x16020_wav.fits.gz o64x16020_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T06:20:41 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -45.81 8611  Nugent, Peter
85 o64x16030_wav.fits.gz o64x16030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T09:23:12 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -45.81 8611  Nugent, Peter
86 o6hm4ochq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4ochq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T09:46:15 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.049936 -44.706498 179.59 8901  Dressel, Linda
87 o6hm4ociq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4ociq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T10:05:19 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.049936 -44.706498 179.59 8901  Dressel, Linda
88 o6hm4ocjq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4ocjq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-20T10:07:03 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.049936 -44.706498 179.59 8901  Dressel, Linda
89 o6hm4qkrq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4qkrq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T13:47:12 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8901  Dressel, Linda
90 o6hm4qksq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4qksq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T14:06:16 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8901  Dressel, Linda
91 o6hm4qktq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4qktq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T14:08:00 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8901  Dressel, Linda
92 o6hm4rkvq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4rkvq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T14:15:46 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8901  Dressel, Linda
93 o6hm4rkwq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4rkwq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T14:34:50 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8901  Dressel, Linda
94 o6hm4rkxq_raw.fits.gz o6hm4rkxq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T14:36:34 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8901  Dressel, Linda
95 o6hn2d010_raw.fits.gz o6hn2d010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:02:04 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8903  Dressel, Linda
96 o6hn2d020_raw.fits.gz o6hn2d020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:18:18 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8903  Dressel, Linda
97 o6ie71lpq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lpq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:34:06 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
98 o6ie71lrq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lrq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:37:40 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
99 o6ie71lsq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lsq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:39:06 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
100 o6ie71ltq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71ltq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:40:29 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
101 o6ie71luq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71luq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:41:55 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
102 o6ie71lvq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lvq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:43:18 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
103 o6ie71lwq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lwq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:44:44 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
104 o6ie71lxq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lxq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:46:07 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
105 o6ie71lzq_raw.fits.gz o6ie71lzq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:50:32 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
106 o6ie71m0q_raw.fits.gz o6ie71m0q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:51:55 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
107 o6ie71m1q_raw.fits.gz o6ie71m1q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-21T15:53:21 0.9 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 0.05X31NDA 5328–5614 IMAG NONE 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8910  Goudfrooij, Paul
108 o6hn2b020_raw.fits.gz o6hn2b020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T05:54:40 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 8903  Dressel, Linda
109 o6dcbrqvq_raw.fits.gz o6dcbrqvq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T06:25:06 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG LOW-GALACTIC-LATITUDE 57.825659 +17.425500 -46.91 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
110 o6dcbrqwq_raw.fits.gz o6dcbrqwq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T06:26:50 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG LOW-GALACTIC-LATITUDE 57.825659 +17.425500 -46.91 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
111 o6dcbr050_wav.fits.gz o6dcbr050_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T06:30:53 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 57.825645 +17.425486 -46.91 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
112 o6dcbr050_raw.fits.gz o6dcbr050_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T06:32:53 2239.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.5 5236–10266 SPEC LOW-GALACTIC-LATITUDE 57.825645 +17.425486 -47.28 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
113 o6dcbr020_raw.fits.gz o6dcbr020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T07:11:38 1.2 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.5 5236–10266 SPEC CCDFLAT 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
114 o6dcbr030_raw.fits.gz o6dcbr030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T07:14:34 1.2 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.5 5236–10266 SPEC CCDFLAT 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
115 o6dcbr040_raw.fits.gz o6dcbr040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-11-22T07:21:31 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 1640–10270 IMAG BIAS 57.765622 +17.361050 178.07 9066  Windhorst, Rogier
116 o64x17010_wav.fits.gz o64x17010_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-26T14:40:41 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -38.95 8611  Nugent, Peter
117 o64x17020_wav.fits.gz o64x17020_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-26T14:40:41 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -38.95 8611  Nugent, Peter
118 o64x17030_wav.fits.gz o64x17030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-11-26T17:54:20 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -38.95 8611  Nugent, Peter
119 o64x18010_wav.fits.gz o64x18010_wvh.fits.gz 2001-12-04T07:03:45 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -30.88 8611  Nugent, Peter
120 o64x18020_wav.fits.gz o64x18020_wvh.fits.gz 2001-12-04T07:03:45 10.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G430L 52X0.1 2900–5700 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -30.88 8611  Nugent, Peter
121 o64x18030_wav.fits.gz o64x18030_wvh.fits.gz 2001-12-04T09:02:19 0.5 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.1 5236–10266 SPEC WAVELINE 56.127333 -44.639778 -30.88 8611  Nugent, Peter
122 o6hm61dlq_raw.fits.gz o6hm61dlq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T06:52:55 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.071691 +32.041496 -74.98 8901  Dressel, Linda
123 o6hm61dmq_raw.fits.gz o6hm61dmq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T07:11:59 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.071691 +32.041496 -74.98 8901  Dressel, Linda
124 o6hm61dnq_raw.fits.gz o6hm61dnq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T07:13:43 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.071691 +32.041496 -74.98 8901  Dressel, Linda
125 o66i04010_raw.fits.gz o66i04010_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T09:13:42 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.124693 +31.967901 149.93 8573  Luhman, Kevin
126 o66i04020_raw.fits.gz o66i04020_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T09:22:10 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.124693 +31.967901 149.93 8573  Luhman, Kevin
127 o66i04030_raw.fits.gz o66i04030_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T10:39:32 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.124581 +31.967927 149.93 8573  Luhman, Kevin
128 o66i04040_raw.fits.gz o66i04040_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T10:48:00 210.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.124581 +31.967927 149.93 8573  Luhman, Kevin
129 o6j3lkdzq_raw.fits.gz o6j3lkdzq_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T11:13:34 200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 56.107471 +31.970788 60.03 9285  Baum, Stefi
130 o6j3lke0q_raw.fits.gz o6j3lke0q_rwh.fits.gz 2001-12-14T11:17:38 200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG HI-LATITUDE-FIELD 56.107471 +31.970788 60.03 9285  Baum, Stefi
131 o6hm8dqrq_raw.fits.gz o6hm8dqrq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-01-25T07:05:07 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.525820 +17.289615 -103.56 8901  Dressel, Linda
132 o6kpqtf2q_raw.fits.gz o6kpqtf2q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T21:14:55 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.947828 -47.432263 -168.24 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
133 o6kpqtf3q_raw.fits.gz o6kpqtf3q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T21:22:19 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.947828 -47.432263 -168.24 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
134 o6kpqtf4q_raw.fits.gz o6kpqtf4q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T21:29:43 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.947828 -47.432263 -168.24 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
135 o6kpqtf5q_raw.fits.gz o6kpqtf5q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T21:37:07 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.947828 -47.432263 -168.24 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
136 o6kpqtf6q_raw.fits.gz o6kpqtf6q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T21:44:31 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.947828 -47.432263 -168.24 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
137 o6kpqtf7q_raw.fits.gz o6kpqtf7q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T21:51:55 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.947828 -47.432263 -168.24 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
138 o6kpqufoq_raw.fits.gz o6kpqufoq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T22:41:34 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.865736 -47.485820 -168.13 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
139 o6kpqufpq_raw.fits.gz o6kpqufpq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T22:48:58 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.865736 -47.485820 -168.13 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
140 o6kpqufqq_raw.fits.gz o6kpqufqq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T22:56:22 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.865736 -47.485820 -168.13 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
141 o6kpqufrq_raw.fits.gz o6kpqufrq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T23:03:46 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.865736 -47.485820 -168.13 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
142 o6kpqufsq_raw.fits.gz o6kpqufsq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T23:11:10 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.865736 -47.485820 -168.13 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
143 o6kpquftq_raw.fits.gz o6kpquftq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-07-21T23:18:34 346.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.865736 -47.485820 -168.13 9317  Goudfrooij, Paul
144 o6ho4n020_raw.fits.gz o6ho4n020_rwh.fits.gz 2002-08-14T00:53:57 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.060114 +19.787040 77.14 8904  Dressel, Linda
145 o6hl99sxq_raw.fits.gz o6hl99sxq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-08-14T01:06:04 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.060114 +19.787040 77.14 8902  Dressel, Linda
146 o6hl99syq_raw.fits.gz o6hl99syq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-08-14T01:25:08 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.060297 +19.787067 77.14 8902  Dressel, Linda
147 o6hl99szq_raw.fits.gz o6hl99szq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-08-14T01:26:52 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.060297 +19.787067 77.14 8902  Dressel, Linda
148 o6ho4u010_raw.fits.gz o6ho4u010_rwh.fits.gz 2002-08-21T01:03:41 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.757239 +32.245113 77.91 8904  Dressel, Linda
149 o8jhkqeiq_raw.fits.gz o8jhkqeiq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-10-27T23:18:55 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.944260 -0.133738 -106.85 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
150 o8jf2a020_raw.fits.gz o8jf2a020_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T01:04:00 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.766312 +17.360429 178.27 9607  Dressel, Linda
151 o8jhriztq_raw.fits.gz o8jhriztq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T01:16:50 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
152 o8jhrizuq_raw.fits.gz o8jhrizuq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T01:24:14 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
153 o8jhrizvq_raw.fits.gz o8jhrizvq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T01:31:38 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
154 o8jhrizwq_raw.fits.gz o8jhrizwq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T01:39:02 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
155 o8jhrizxq_raw.fits.gz o8jhrizxq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T01:46:26 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
156 o8ih4ka1q_raw.fits.gz o8ih4ka1q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T02:00:37 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.766312 +17.360429 178.27 9605  Dressel, Linda
157 o8jhrpcyq_raw.fits.gz o8jhrpcyq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T10:53:20 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
158 o8jhrpczq_raw.fits.gz o8jhrpczq_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T11:00:44 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
159 o8jhrpd0q_raw.fits.gz o8jhrpd0q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T11:08:08 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
160 o8jhrpd1q_raw.fits.gz o8jhrpd1q_rwh.fits.gz 2002-11-21T11:15:32 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826585 +17.424679 -46.71 9692  Goudfrooij, Paul
161 o8jl0pdmq_raw.fits.gz o8jl0pdmq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-03-28T03:08:30 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.982330 +34.254413 -111.53 9606  Dressel, Linda
162 o8jl0pdnq_raw.fits.gz o8jl0pdnq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-03-28T03:10:14 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.982330 +34.254413 -111.53 9606  Dressel, Linda
163 o8l7scn0q_raw.fits.gz o8l7scn0q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-07-15T12:50:35 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.873498 +24.075240 -149.05 9708  Goudfrooij, Paul
164 o8l7sdaaq_raw.fits.gz o8l7sdaaq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-07-17T14:34:28 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.978976 +24.309842 -149.05 9708  Goudfrooij, Paul
165 o8l7seahq_raw.fits.gz o8l7seahq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-07-17T16:02:02 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.977709 +24.315294 -149.05 9708  Goudfrooij, Paul
166 o8l7sahdq_raw.fits.gz o8l7sahdq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-07-18T12:52:48 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.643355 +24.337397 -149.05 9708  Goudfrooij, Paul
167 o8l7sahhq_raw.fits.gz o8l7sahhq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-07-18T13:05:55 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 56.642722 +24.340123 -149.05 9708  Goudfrooij, Paul
168 o8ts46tyq_raw.fits.gz o8ts46tyq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-14T06:30:16 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.873913 +24.239286 55.21 10017  Dressel, Linda
169 o8t9t3rwq_raw.fits.gz o8t9t3rwq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-21T15:19:58 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
170 o8t9t3rxq_raw.fits.gz o8t9t3rxq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-21T15:27:22 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
171 o8t9t3ryq_raw.fits.gz o8t9t3ryq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-21T15:34:46 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
172 o8t9t3rzq_raw.fits.gz o8t9t3rzq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-21T15:42:10 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
173 o8t9t3s0q_raw.fits.gz o8t9t3s0q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-21T15:49:34 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
174 o8t9t3s9q_raw.fits.gz o8t9t3s9q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-21T15:57:04 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
175 o8ts4lwlq_raw.fits.gz o8ts4lwlq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T03:21:40 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.766358 +17.360422 178.27 10017  Dressel, Linda
176 o8ts4lwmq_raw.fits.gz o8ts4lwmq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T03:40:44 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.766358 +17.360422 178.27 10017  Dressel, Linda
177 o8ts4lwnq_raw.fits.gz o8ts4lwnq_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T03:42:28 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.766358 +17.360422 178.27 10017  Dressel, Linda
178 o8t9tlx2q_raw.fits.gz o8t9tlx2q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T04:07:55 0.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
179 o8t9tlx3q_raw.fits.gz o8t9tlx3q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T04:15:19 0.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
180 o8t9tlx4q_raw.fits.gz o8t9tlx4q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T04:22:43 0.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
181 o8t9tlx5q_raw.fits.gz o8t9tlx5q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T04:30:07 0.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
182 o8t9tlx6q_raw.fits.gz o8t9tlx6q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-11-22T04:37:31 0.8 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.826631 +17.424672 -46.71 10000  Goudfrooij, Paul
183 o8ts5va1q_raw.fits.gz o8ts5va1q_rwh.fits.gz 2003-12-15T00:30:07 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.130375 +25.587339 -89.70 10017  Dressel, Linda
184 o8w9gkk3q_raw.fits.gz o8w9gkk3q_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-19T23:22:10 400.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.221138 +23.894389 31.09 10085  Goudfrooij, Paul
185 o8ts7wkeq_raw.fits.gz o8ts7wkeq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-20T00:00:06 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.141019 +23.928841 -103.93 10017  Dressel, Linda
186 o8ts7wkfq_raw.fits.gz o8ts7wkfq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-20T00:19:10 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.141644 +23.926113 -103.93 10017  Dressel, Linda
187 o8ts7wkgq_raw.fits.gz o8ts7wkgq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-20T00:20:54 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.141644 +23.926113 -103.93 10017  Dressel, Linda
188 o8tu41010_raw.fits.gz o8tu41010_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T05:15:11 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.245093 +24.171480 -103.93 10019  Diaz-Miller, Rosa
189 o8tu41020_raw.fits.gz o8tu41020_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T05:31:25 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.245093 +24.171480 -103.93 10019  Diaz-Miller, Rosa
190 o8ts82npq_raw.fits.gz o8ts82npq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T05:43:32 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.245093 +24.171480 -103.93 10017  Dressel, Linda
191 o8ts82nqq_raw.fits.gz o8ts82nqq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T06:02:36 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.245721 +24.168753 -103.93 10017  Dressel, Linda
192 o8ts82nrq_raw.fits.gz o8ts82nrq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T06:04:20 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.245721 +24.168753 -103.93 10017  Dressel, Linda
193 o8w9gto4q_raw.fits.gz o8w9gto4q_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T06:26:51 314.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS 50CCD 1640–10270 IMAG ANY 57.329741 +24.117935 31.09 10085  Goudfrooij, Paul
194 o8tw13t2q_raw.fits.gz o8tw13t2q_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T21:51:01 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.909404 +24.199053 -103.93 10022  Maiz-Apellaniz, Jesus
195 o8tw13010_raw.fits.gz o8tw13010_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T21:51:45 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 56.909404 +24.199053 -103.93 10022  Maiz-Apellaniz, Jesus
196 o8tw13020_raw.fits.gz o8tw13020_rwh.fits.gz 2004-01-23T21:53:57 1200.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 56.909404 +24.199053 -103.93 10022  Maiz-Apellaniz, Jesus
197 o8ts9ivbq_raw.fits.gz o8ts9ivbq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-02-18T05:16:35 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.935871 +23.708069 -112.99 10017  Dressel, Linda
198 o8ts9ivcq_raw.fits.gz o8ts9ivcq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-02-18T05:18:19 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.935871 +23.708069 -112.99 10017  Dressel, Linda
199 o8tu4r010_raw.fits.gz o8tu4r010_rwh.fits.gz 2004-02-18T06:35:21 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.935871 +23.708069 -112.99 10019  Diaz-Miller, Rosa
200 o8tt3xkpq_raw.fits.gz o8tt3xkpq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T00:36:49 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.180513 -60.463077 5.72 10018  Dressel, Linda
201 o8tt3xkqq_raw.fits.gz o8tt3xkqq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T00:55:53 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.180513 -60.463077 5.72 10018  Dressel, Linda
202 o8tt3xkrq_raw.fits.gz o8tt3xkrq_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T00:57:37 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.180513 -60.463077 5.72 10018  Dressel, Linda
203 o8tt3yl1q_raw.fits.gz o8tt3yl1q_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T01:05:23 1100.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.181083 -60.462849 5.72 10018  Dressel, Linda
204 o8tt3yl2q_raw.fits.gz o8tt3yl2q_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T01:24:27 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.180405 -60.463587 5.72 10018  Dressel, Linda
205 o8tt3yl3q_raw.fits.gz o8tt3yl3q_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T01:26:11 60.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG DARK 57.180405 -60.463587 5.72 10018  Dressel, Linda
206 o8u01z010_raw.fits.gz o8u01z010_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T02:01:57 0.0 1,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.180405 -60.463587 5.72 10020  Diaz-Miller, Rosa
207 o8u01z020_raw.fits.gz o8u01z020_rwh.fits.gz 2004-05-26T02:18:11 0.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 MIRVIS F28X50LP 5490–9990 IMAG BIAS 57.180673 -60.463060 5.72 10020  Diaz-Miller, Rosa
208 o8ru26070_raw.fits.gz o8ru26070_rwh.fits.gz 2004-07-14T23:15:11 30.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G750L 52X0.2 5236–10266 SPEC NONE 56.843151 +41.365911 93.80 9786  Gregg, Michael
209 o8yg17010_wav.fits.gz o8yg17010_wvh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T19:58:22 30.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC WAVEHITM 57.973833 +34.359119 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
210 o8yg17020_wav.fits.gz o8yg17020_wvh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T19:58:22 30.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC WAVEHITM 57.973833 +34.359119 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
211 o8yg17030_wav.fits.gz o8yg17030_wvh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T19:58:22 30.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC WAVEHITM 57.973833 +34.359119 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
212 o8yg17040_wav.fits.gz o8yg17040_wvh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T19:58:22 30.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC WAVEHITM 57.973833 +34.359119 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
213 o8yg17050_wav.fits.gz o8yg17050_wvh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T19:58:22 30.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC WAVEHITM 57.973833 +34.359119 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
214 o8yg17010_raw.fits.gz o8yg17010_rwh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T20:00:03 114.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC HD24131 57.973623 +34.358935 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
215 o8yg17020_raw.fits.gz o8yg17020_rwh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T20:03:07 114.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC HD24131 57.973728 +34.359027 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
216 o8yg17030_raw.fits.gz o8yg17030_rwh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T20:06:11 114.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC HD24131 57.973833 +34.359119 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
217 o8yg17040_raw.fits.gz o8yg17040_rwh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T20:09:15 114.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC HD24131 57.973939 +34.359212 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles
218 o8yg17050_raw.fits.gz o8yg17050_rwh.fits.gz 2004-07-15T20:12:19 114.0 4,1062x1044,1x1 G230MB 52X0.2 1917–2073 SPEC HD24131 57.974044 +34.359304 -136.73 10175  Proffitt, Charles

In case of problems with this page, contact: Rolf.Jansen @ , tel.: (480)727-7119
Last updated: Dec 28, 2012

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